Spot View on line... To learn about the European SpotView Project...The SPOTVIEW community is proud to release a Video presenting the results
The SpotView project has ended on April 2nd, 2020 and Public Deliverables are now available to highlight key exploitable results for the three industrial sectors. Have a look at the News and Documentation pages for more details The results were presented during the InspireWater/SpotView Online Conference "Holistic approaches for water and resource efficiency in process industry" on 25 and 26 March 2020. Find here the Agenda and Replay access to the conference presentations.
an industrial partnership to improve water efficiency!The objective of the SpotView Project was to develop and demonstrate innovative, sustainable and efficient processes and technology components, in order to optimize the use of natural resources, especially water, in three industrial sectors (Dairy, Pulp and Paper and Steel). Resource optimization (including water, energy, raw materials and additives) is a key issue for competitiveness and sustainability. During the SpotView project, 14 existing and new technologies were assessed for 9 new water management practices. Up to 7 selected technologies chains were demonstrated in real industrial environment. The description of 5 Key Exploitable Technologies is presented in a Technology leaflet. These technologies were evaluated in terms of environmental impacts and benefits, generated by achieving the SpotView targets (20% to 90% reduction of water usage, wastewater emissions, chemicals and energy use). Economic exploitation of the technologies is pursued through a well described business case scenario.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723577. |